As commercial painters, we have the unique responsibility of not only making sure your property looks fantastic, but also protecting it from damage and decay. Efficiency is a driving priority, too. You don’t want your building envelope to let money, energy, and resources sneak out the window.
This requires more than just paint. We also need to skillfully caulk and seal any vulnerable points.
Caulking definitely serves an aesthetic purpose, allowing us to create smooth lines and transitions where there might otherwise be narrow cracks and gaps.
High-performance caulk helps us to seal your surfaces, too. Today’s products are flexible, easily withstanding wear, tear, expansion, and contraction, while also preventing moisture intrusion and drafts. This protects against mildew, mold, and substantial energy loss.
That’s why we always include caulking as part of our
overall painting strategy, and routine checks and inspections should be part of your
ongoing maintenance strategy as well. It’s important to proactively replace old, failing, and missing caulking, especially around doors and windows.
Caulking is the right solution for smaller gaps, but what about larger vulnerabilities like vertical concrete expansion joints? Or your commercial roofing? PR Painting provides specialized sealing services for these larger-scale applications as well, offering a number of key benefits:
Let’s take a close look at your property to identify key opportunities together.
We’ll put together a comprehensive strategy and share it with you, defining exactly what’s included, the timeline, and associated costs.
We’ll efficiently deliver exactly what we discussed and promised.
Let’s make sure the work meets your expectations (and our own high standards). We’ll also confirm your ongoing maintenance plan, taking one more item off your to-do list.
Let’s take a close look at your property to identify key opportunities together.
We’ll put together a comprehensive strategy and share it with you, defining exactly what’s included, the timeline, and associated costs.
We’ll efficiently deliver exactly what we discussed and promised.
Let’s make sure the work meets your expectations (and our own high standards). We’ll also confirm your ongoing maintenance plan, taking one more item off your to-do list.
Maybe you’ve been down a similar road with commercial painting contractors before… They promised the world and just didn’t deliver. So, what makes us different?
The “PR” in our name stands for “Personal Record,” reflecting our commitment to constantly improving and never settling. Whether we’re painting a school, HOA, hospital, or highrise, we are absolutely passionate about delivering the best experience yet, every time - to set our next PR.
Also, we might make this sound easy, but it’s actually not. We’re no strangers to tight deadlines, strict requirements, and challenging environmental considerations. To answer the call, we’ve invested in a team of highly-trained painting professionals to finish your project with experience and consistency.
In other words, commercial painting might not be easy, but we make it look easy. And we want you to enjoy the best painting experience you’ve ever had.
Marissa Sweitzer
Kaileen O'Donnell
Kate Rabatin
The team at PR Commercial Painting is standing by and ready assist with all of your commercial and industrial painting and coating needs.
PR Commercial Painting proudly offers Satisfaction-Guaranteed Commercial and Industrial Painting services to all of Southeast Pennsylvania, South Jersey, and North Delaware.
PR Commercial Painting LLC.
460 S. Lewis Rd. Suite 201
Royersford, PA 19468
Call 1-610-232-7332
Built by SmallBee